food log / Tue Apr 30

French toast with a cup of Darjeeling tea. I soaked the bread in egg/milk batter overnight which made the texture really good.


Lunch was ramen topped with yesterday’s braised pork, egg and bamboo shoot side with onigiri to make sure my husband is stuffed (LOL) before he heads out for another long day of work.

Kyushu Pref based old school ramen company and this ramen has been around 65yrs. Marutai ramen always in our pantry. Marutai is a real classic. We love it’s simple straight forward taste. I can arrange it into anyway using these. You might be able to get them abroad. If you happen to bump into it give them a try.

I always have some kind of “Furikake” stocked in my pantry. Furikake are flakes to top over the rice and are usually composed of dried seafood, veggies, sesame seed etc. Their lightly season, a bit salty or sometime spicy gives a zest to the plain rice. I use furikake mainly to make riceballs.

As I mentioned in my note below, I’ve been feeling a bit of low energy this week. It’s been tough to keep up my housework duty, cooking become much simpler.

春の気候のせいだろうか、ここ数日眠気が酷く、気を抜くと知らぬ間にソファで寝落ちてしまう。私は昼寝ができないタイプでしちゃうと、その後ずっとダルくて元気が出ない。今日もそんな日で、ダラダラウジウジと過ごす。夕食は夜遅くに帰宅する夫の負担にならない様に豚バラ(茹でておいて、ストックしてあるもの)とネギ、キャベツの野菜炒めを餡掛け風に仕上げ、ご飯に乗っけて食べてもらった。味付けはシンプルに塩と醤油少しだけで、豚バラとネギを炒める時にちょっと焦げ目を付け、その焦げ目かれ出る奥深い味を生かして仕上げた。 何はともかく、今日も一日終えて良かった。明日こそシャキッとせねば。。。
